Maori Artist Showcase - Weaver, Martha Isobell Hampton


Ko Maungaharuru te Maunga
Ko Mohaka te awa
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Ngati Pahauwera te hapu
Ko Waipapa a Iwi te marae
Ko Kahungunu te iwi

I started weaving in 2003, I was drawn to go and learn the art of Māori weaving under the mantle EIT. During that year I did a lot of plating/braiding and shredding of the harakeke. I was also taught to weave Kono and Konie.

At the beginning of my raranga journey my passion to learn more about this art grew. In 2006 I was tutored by Sharlen Moralle at Kimiora Kura Kaupapa in Flaxmere.  Sharlen taught me the weaving Kete Whakairo. I also attended Wānanga at Haungare Marae in Pakipaki. Making puipui under the guidance of Jill Munro.
In 2007 my tutor Sharleen retired and I joined a Raranga Roopu in Heretaunga. During that time I was inspired by the other mahi that the other weavers were doing. They also shared with me the techniques and other aspects of raranga e.g., whiri, whāriki, whatu, tāniko and muka extraction. 

The following year I attended Te Wānanga o Raukawa and completed one year Toi Raranga.
In 2010 I completed my diploma with Te Wānanga O Aotearoa.

In May 2013 I was commissioned to weave a Kahu Kiwi for a whānau where I then completed it in May 2014.

From then on I have made Whāriki for my marae and for others.

For the last 3 years I have been weaving many things from poi, mārō, kete, wahakura and Kākahu.

When I weave I feel relaxed, but at the same time I'm thinking about what I want to do or thinking about the next project that I will move onto after this. I'm very passionate about my mahi raranga, I only hope that my mokopuna, daughters, moko in-laws find some sort of passion of mahi Raranga like me.